Planning by name, Fabulous by review.
So far we've received over 5,000 five-star reviews for our products.
See pictures and read reviews from our verified buyers, below.
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Free 2024 Calendar Insert
All Planning Journals (Undated & Dated) now come with our new 2024 Calendar Insert, so you can keep upcoming dates to hand. It fits snuggly inside the Journal front and back pockets.
Free washi tape
Jazz up your Journal with a design matching Washi Tape, made to perfectly complement your Journal and is a whopping 10 meters long!
✏️ Weekly layout
The Weekly Layout sets down each day of the week across a double-page spread, and breaks each down into hourly blocks. Great to see an overview of your week in a single glance, and for those who have extra-busy schedules!
✍️ Daily layout
The Daily Layout spreads your day across an entire page, great for those who enjoy space whilst writing. Your day is broken down into hourly blocks, notes, important to-do's, and more. The Daily Layout also features a Weekly Forecast, where you can track habits, gratitude, to-do lists and your weekly intention.
Monthly overview
Your entire month planned across a double-page spread. Fill in with appointments, deadlines, reminders, to-do lists and more. Great to get an overview in a glance. Included in both Weekly & Daily Layouts.
Your roadmap
Outline your own roadmap & game-plan for your Journey. Assess goals & make plans, what would you like to achieve? What's most important? Included in both Weekly & Daily Layouts.
Journal goals
Find inside a dedicated space to write down your goals, aspirations, hopes & dreams. Refer back to them whenever you lose sight of your goals. Included in both Weekly & Daily Layouts.
Cats out of the eco-friendly box
We've eliminated plastic from the Journal packaging by opting for a premium keep-sake box.

🌱⚡🌍🚗💨 Stationery, that's not stationary.
Fabulous Planning stationery doesn't stand still, it's going places - it's planting trees - it's helping communities upgrade their carbon inefficient stoves - it's turning waste biogas into clean energy.
We don't just create stationery, we help fund new opportunities to improve our planet.
Read all about our Climate Journey here.