Frequently Asked Questions
Products - Food Diaries, Organisers, Journals, Planning Pads.
Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch via the "Contact Us" page & Mama Fabulous be happy to help.
Wirebound Diaries
Using the Hunger Bar
Record your hunger
Before you eat your meal (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) record how hungry you're feeling on a scale of 1 to 10.
Look for trends
By recording your hunger throughout the day, you can look for trends that start to appear. You may find that some foods satiate you more than others.
Using the Healthy Progress Bars
Water Bar
As you drink water throughout the day, shade in your bar. You can record up to 2.5 Litres worth of water each day!
Fruit & Veg Bar
This is the perfect spot to record your 5 a/day. Tick off as you go along and om-a-nom those veggies!
Exercise Bar
This exercise bar is great for recording your activity. It doesn't have to be a workout (but we're not saying no!) so long as you're up & moving, you can record up to +70 minutes, here.
Sleep Bar
This relaxed bar is all about recording your sleep the night before. It's great for seeing how Sleep impacts your days. Perhaps more sleep helps you On Plan?
Energy Tracker
Record your energy levels for the day, maybe you woke up feeling 100% or are feeling a little sluggish around ~30%. Recording this statistic can let you look back at the previous day and look for any trends that may make you feel less than 100%.
Using the Bubble Star Jar
The Bubble Star Jar is a visual way to track your Weight Loss Journey.
You can assign a value to each Bubble & Star, for example "1 Star = 2 lbs lost" and "1 Bubble = 1lb lost".
So if you lose 3 lbs in a Weekly Weigh In, you could colour in a Star & Bubble of your choice! For the total of 3lbs lost.
Using the "Honeycomb Habit Tracker"
The Honeycomb Habit Tracker is a great place to track the habits / trends you'd like to do more!
Examples of Habits you might like to repeat & build upon:
1. Drinking at least 2 litres of water each day.
2. Walking the dog at least for a total of 2 miles each week.
3. Staying "On Plan" all month.
Write these into the main box of your Habit Tracker, and as you complete your habit on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, you can colour in part of the Honeycomb Hive!
As you complete the habit more and more, you'll find your Hive filling up with colour.
What are the "A/A/B" for?
The three boxes (A / A / B) are Slimming World Compatible terms, and are compatible with the Slimming World Weight Loss Plan.
"A"represents one Healthy A - and you can write this into the box, to quickly see at a daily glance.
"B" represents one Healthy B.
On the Slimming World Weight Loss Plan, you are allowed two "Healthy A's" per day and one "Healthy B". as of December 2019.
If you're not on Slimming World- you might have accidentally ordered the incorrect Food Diary! But donut worry, rather than waste paper we recommend you use these boxes for recording your Snacks throughout the day, a fabulous solution!
"On & Off Plan" box
This adorable little box is an adorable spot to place your On & Off Plan Sticker!
Your On & Off Plan Stickers should be located at the front of your Food Diary, behind theFront Cover.
If you've had an On Plan Day, peel your On Plan Sticker here.
Perhaps you've had a well-deserved Off Plan Day, don't worry about it! Put your Off Plan Sticker here, and jump straight back on tomorrow!
What does "RC" mean?
"RC" stands for "Remaining Calories". This allows you to calculate how many 'Remaining Calories' you have throughout the day.
For example, if you have 2,000 calories a day, and have a breakfast of 450 calories, your remaining calories would be (2,000 - 450 = 1,550). You can then write this in the box, and for the rest of the day you'll have a better idea of how on track you are!
Opening & closing the rings
To open the rings on your Organiser place both hands on the upper and lower toggles. Simultaneously apply pressure with both hands (they can be a little stiff, so be sure to apply strong & even pressure).
Once the toggles push down, the Organiser rings will open. After re-arranging your refills, you can carefully push the rings back together manually, and the toggles will return to the previous locked state.
Demo Video
See the video for a visual demo on opening & closing the rings. Click here
Using the "My Personal Information" pages
These pages are all about you, honey. You're the star of the show now - and doesn't it just feel so right? This section of the Fabulous Organiser is all about making it -yours- adding your information, your goals, your aspirations.
Start Date - this is the date you want to remember as your "GO DAY!" when did you start your Journey?
Me, Myself & I - this section is all about the hobbies you do right now. What do you enjoy to do in your spare time? Is it walk the dogs? Enjoy the latest tv episode in your favourite tv series? This is your chance to write it down! Think about how you could enjoy those more, whilst on your Journey. Would you like to walk further with your dog? Make more "Me-Time" for your TV shows?
My Inspiration - What inspires you on your Weight Loss Journey? Perhaps it is a specific account on 'The Gram' or a family member? What or who do you aspire / want to be as you change on your Journey?
Self Care [Identify] - It's time to think ahead, what can bog you down? How can you avoid these stresses? Nip these problems in the bud before they arise!
Self Care [Pick Ups] - Okay, you've had a bad day, it happens to the best of us. What can you do to make yourself feel better? Some TLC, some extra Me-Time, an early night?
My Inner Circle - Who's there for you when you need them? This is your chance to write down your "Go-To" list, your ride or die!
Using the "Honeycomb Habit Tracker"
The Honeycomb Habit Tracker is a great place to track the habits / trends you'd like to do more!
Examples of Habits you might like to repeat & build upon:
1. Drinking at least 2 litres of water each day.
2. Walking the dog at least for a total of 2 miles each week.
3. Staying "On Plan" all month.
Write these into the main box of your Habit Tracker, and as you complete your habit on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, you can colour in part of the Honeycomb Hive!
As you complete the habit more and more, you'll find your Hive filling up with colour.
Using the Bubble Star Jar & Stickers
The Bubble Star Jar is a chance to visually record your Weight Loss inside your Organiser!
As you complete each Weekly Weigh In, record your Total Loss with the use of Stars and Bubble Stickers!
Each Star represents 2lb. Each Bubble represents 1lb.
Fill in your Jar over your entire Weight Loss Journey
Using the "Weight Loss Goals" pages
My Weight Loss Goals - this is your chance to write down long term weight loss goals. Perhaps it's finally fitting into that pair of Jeans you've always had. Perhaps it's completing a run with your Dog without losing breath?
Whatever is most important to you, now is the time to write it down! You can come back & tick it off once you complete it.
My Non-Scale Goals - these goals aren't related to your Weight Loss Journey. Perhaps it's something as simple as going to bed early more frequently? Maybe it's feeling more confident within yourself when only wearing a top. There's no goal too big for these pages.
Think big with these goals! You'll have plenty of other chances to write Smaller Peanut Goals throughout the Organiser.
Fabulous Journals
Difference between Weekly & Daily layouts
Planning Journals
All Planning Journals are available in both Undated and Dated. Both can be either Weekly or Daily layouts.
Weekly Layout
This layout is your entire week on a double page spread, for the entire year. Each day is split into hourly blocks for you to write down appointments, reminders, and more.
Great to see your week in a single glance, and especially if you've got a busy schedule!
Daily Layout
This layout is your day expanded onto an entire page, for the entire year. Daily Planning Journals are great if you like to take your planning slow & map out your entire day in great detail.
Health & Wellness as a Food Diary
The Health & Wellness Diary can easily be used as a Food Diary, and includes examples inside the Journal on how to do this.
Break your day into Morning / Afternoon and Evening, and use the "Notes" box to record any food values (calories, sans, points etc).
Duration of Journal
Budget - 12 months of financial planning, undated.
Gratitude - 365 days (12 months) of mindful planning.
Sleep - 365 days (12 months) of planning, undated.
Health & Wellness - 182 days 6 Months) of planning, undated.
Planning Journals -365 days (12 months) of daily & weekly planning. Available in undated and dated.
Still have questions?
Get in-touch with Mama Fabulous and we'd be more than happy to help.