How To: Make the most of your To-Do List

How To: Make the most of your To-Do List

When it comes to writing an excellent (and functional!) To-Do List, there's several things you need to be aware of:

✅ You need to define your goals for the day: What is it you want to accomplish?


✅ Your time: How much time do you have today, to complete your jobs?


✅ Your mood: How are you feeling right now? For Eg: If you're feeling slightly overwhelmed, instead of a to-do list, try a brain dump list (read below to see how it's done)


✏️ How to make the most of your To-Do list ✏️

1. Tidy your surroundings

Have you ever heard the phrase "Tidy Desk, Tidy Mind?" It couldn't be more true! People who work in clean surroundings are proven to be more productive, but it's all well and good cleaning your desk, but if you haven't cleared your mind also!

Enter: The Brain Dump

👉 Write down the things you have your mind, they don't have to be things that need crossing off your to-do list ASAP, but by writing it down it clears that space from your mind, so that you can concentrate and focus on one day/task at a time!

2. Set small, bitesized goals (aka, peanut goals)

Let's talk about peanut goals: Peanut Goals are small, bitesized goals that are achievable! Things that you know you can easily do (like stacking the dishwasher, hanging up clothes etc)

Don't set yourself up for failure, like climbing Mount Everest.

By making your goals achievable, it brings you a sense of accomplishment when you've ticked them off! Incentivising you to go and complete more tasks! ✨ta-da✨ 

3. Set a weekly Plan/Aim

Having an overview of your weekly spread will help you have a better idea of what's going on, and where you need to be! (both physically and mentally)

You can stay up to date with things happening in your life, such as After-school clubs, meetings, appointments - and so on!

👉 Things don't always go to plan, no matter how hard we try: So you could write your meetings onto sticky notes so that if things do change, you can easily remove them/move them around your planner!

4. Write down your plan of attack

Think about what you're going to be doing today - what's your "main" goal? Is it to finish up some admin work? To attend meetings?

Your phrase of the day / plan of attack is an inspirational quote to yourself, to keep you going! It's a fun way of holding yourself accountable, so you don't drift off from the task at hand!

5. Make it fun, and use stickers

Now who doesn't love a good sticker? By using stickers, not only does it add that certain 🤌 Je Ne Sai Qoui 🤌 to your daily to-do list, but it helps break up that ever-so-boring list and make it colourful, interactive and completely YOURS 🫶

6. Schedule some time in for you

Let's not beat around the bush here - Being an adult is incredibly boring and stressful, so it's important to make time for you in your busy day, so that you're not left feeling burnt-out 👏

Whether it's going for an autumnal walk, having a long soak in the bath or painting your nails - make sure you schedule in time for you! (after all, you're a very important person)

7. Remember: It's okay not to be productive

You can have all the planners in the world, but if you're not feeling it, then you're not feeling it!

You need to remember that you're human, and you're doing the best you can! You don't need to be productive, all of the time!

Take a step back, do something for yourself and then come back to your to-do list when you're ready 😍

✏️ Products that will help you ✏️

If you're on the lookout for some planners, to-do lists and journals to help you be your best, organised self, than luckily for you - you've come to the write place (see what I did there?)

We have several different designs to choose from, so that you can find your own perfect planner, for your needs!

Below you'll see a variety of links to click & choose from! 👀

1. Planning Journals

2. Undated Daily Planning Organisers

3. Weekly Planning Organisers

4. To-Do List & Planning Pads

👉 If you need a hand with any of these, feel free to message us via instagram or send us an email here


Until the next blog post, babes...

Sending you loads of love & positive energy!

Abbey xo

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New here and so looking forward to reading tips and using my journal to motivate me and get results x


Love, love, love this company they have changed my life so many tips to keep me motivated and looking after my fabulous self. Love their diaries and Auntie Ab’s is just the best ❤️❤️❤️


I love reading the emails from you guys. Always so positive and the tips are just fab! ❤️

Lorna Armstrong

I love this, I am going to use my brain dump pad when it is time to go back to work! Thanks for the tips! <3


These tips are Fabulous ❤️ Wishing everyone a great week. Love & posi-vibes Mama Fabulous x💕

Mama Fabulous

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